
Below is a selection of videos I've come across which I have found useful and informative.

The Law Center

Great content, informative clips and interviews with professionals. Always a great source.

Alienated Children First Webinars

ACF Webinar Series 2022

Recommended viewing ...

Challenges of Shared Parenting | Day 1

Challenges of Shared Parenting | Day 2

Parental Alienation doesn't always make sense

Parental Alienation - A Splitting of the Self

Parental Alienation - Reunification and treating alienated children

Parental Alienation - A Form of Intimate Partner Violence

Parental Alienation and ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences)

"How to Pass a Daubert Hearing Regarding Parental Alienation" Dr. William Bernet

A Comprehensive Review of "Challenging Parental Alienation" Misinformation and Other Inaccuracies

Dr Steve Miller, PASG 2017

Evidence based science and debunking the misinformation

Dr William Bernett

Parental Alienation: Misinformation & Fake News

When misinformation about Parental Alienation is used to Train Professionals